Successful People And How Successful People Think
Successful people think on opportunity and do not complain on things. Just about every successful person will tell you that when you complain you become a "living crap magnet" Another words you are attracting shit into your lives. Pay attention to what is going on around you and try to discover or feel who the successful people are and the complainers are. You then need to ask yourself what do these complainers all have in common? They are all broke or just about living their lives around their 9 to 5. I lived that way for over 25 years and I now choose to do something different and follow the successful people. So far I can tell you the the rewards far out way the other and I am pretty sure they will continue to do so as I move forward. I choose to follow the habits of successful people.
This goes with anything you do in life whether its for your personal life, your career, where ever you want to go you need to follow the successful people in order to get to the top. Even if you don't know the person but know they are successful then send them a letter or email and just tell that person why you see them successful and thanks for the role model. The point is you will be condition your mind for how successful people think and will just be putting yourself around successful people period.
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