Friday, December 28, 2012

Growing My Inner Mind

Growing My Inner Mind. Hello everyone, good morning on this December 28, 2012 morning. Maybe the day has not begun where you are yet or maybe it's already gone by but either way we can take care of the days that follow, right? What ever Ethan.  This morning I'm right now drinking my coffee and wanted to touch on Growing My Inner Mind. This for me is building myself a solid foundation upon in which I can overcome obstacles and challenges to reach my destination.  I am aware or conscious of what is going on in my head and I am cutting my thought anytime negative thoughts come in and just focus and grow on the positive thoughts.

Growing My Inner Mind

 For me i need to change my life and I think Growing My Inner Mind is never going to end and neither do I want it too. The feeling is great and so many things are just popping up all around me. All good things and as well as to help me out. Not sure how to explain it!  It's actually one of the hardest things I am doing or done in my life. i mean think about it for a second. Our whole lives we are told how to think and what to do basically. We think we are making our own choices but the bottom line is when we are first born we have a clean slate or file. It's everything we hear and see that gets stored in our brain and then based on those files you form thoughts. If things are not going the way you like and you tried and tried different things even copied what other professionals are doing and you still don't get the results you are looking for? Growing My Inner Mind has helped me realize and focus on that and use that as a change. Its my Personal Development Plan that is going to launch me in this physical world of finance and having and doing the things I want to do. Growing My Inner Mind is my primary focus right now.

For Growing My Inner Mind I am learning to dig deep into my roots of my thoughts to see where they are originating from and I am cutting them out. Getting rid of them and growing or establishing new roots or thoughts. For me I want to help as many people realize this as possible and I tell you as you change you will find that it seems like just about everyone is like a bunch of robots. One of my goals for Growing My Inner Mind is to reflect positive energy into others when I come into contact with them. We are all unique beautiful people and can do anything we want.

So I did some sit-ups and pushups and been outside with my dogs. These are all steps for Growing My Inner Mind and will help me better in the long run.  I also listen to motivational youtube videos usually by people such as Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins and others. This helps get the juices flowing in the correct direction especially when you just starting out. For me its a must do in order for me to Grow My Inner Mind. You know what else I did? Drum Roll Please. I picked up a book and starting reading it!  Not just any book but a good mind growing book with positive things in it that I can use on my daily lifestyle. Enjoy the day


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Having A Personal Development Plan For Online Success

Personal Development Plan for online success. What the heck, who needs a personal development plan anyways? To some those are very boring words to others they are very powerful! For me it's one of the key ingredients for my foundation to success.  Hello everyone, my name is Ethan Poltrack and I am a full time Internet marketer working from my home. It was not easy I tell you.   We always need to be working on personal growth.  This helps us and the people we interact with.  You know when you want to do something and you follow other successful people and you still don't get the results that they get or get any results at all. Sound maybe a little familiar? By setting yourself some personal development goals and building personal development plan its the start to building a solid foundation under you in which will help you overcome any challenge.

Personal Development Plan

Personal Development PlanI guess it can as well fall under the category of personal growth. It's actually understanding how the mind works and taking full advantage of the situation. Another words being conscious of what is going on around you as well as the thoughts inside your brain. Here's a quote from a very successful person by the name of  T. Harv. Eker that said or it's were I got it from in "your thoughts lead to feelings.  We need to have a plan to create success.  We create a plan for personal development. Your feelings lead to actions and your actions lead to results. Think about it. Makes perfect sense right.  I mean we all say yeah yeah I know this stuff. Do you? have you ever taken the time. Its not to criticize but everything around me started to change when I took action an implemented this stuff. Another key ingredient when setting up your personal development plan is to always think positively. Never complain about anything. If you start complaining just slide your finder across your neck and realize that that type of thinking needs to be immediately taken out of your brain.

Personal Development Success

Everybody needs a personal development plan for success. Follow people like Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and others. You can start by association with successful people and not the accountant who lives in a trailer park.  With personal development it is said that we are like the people who we associate with most.  By being around other successful people we will start to think like they think.  The same wind blows on us all but it's the setting of the sail that determines where we end up.  Below is a video that means a lot to me and I watch this stuff everyday to get the brain going in the right direction.

This stuff may not seem to impressive or makes your eyes lite up with brightness but all I can say is just try building a solid foundation first with a personal development plan and and remember to always keep a positive mindset for reaching your personal development goals and personal growth.
 Till next time,

Personal Development Plan