Eat That Frog
The phrase "Eat That Frog" has a lot of meaning with personal growth and with your time management skills. Especially with time management. Brain Tracy came up with the phrase "Eat That Frog"! If the first thing we did each day when we woke up was eat that frog we would be ahead of most. Procrastination can stretch things out to long. Usually with things that have the greatest impact take the most time. For some reason we put these things off. With personal growth you are always working of of a "to do" list. We start off our day with our hardest task usually the one that can help us the most and we do that very first thing. We eat that frog as Brain Tracy said.
Doing this with my personal growth with time management skills has freed up a lot of my time during the day to be able to do other things. With my business and making money online by working with personal development and time management skills my day is done usually around 11am. It might be like now it's 2:41 and I am working on this post. The time spent throughout the day on my money making activities totals only a couple top a few hours per day.
Personal Growth With Time Management Skills
- Create long term goals
- Break the long term goals down into weekly goals that will help you achieve your long term goal.
- Last but not least is create your daily goals that will help you reach your end of the week goals.
I suppose like anything else especially with personal growth though is first having an end point in mind. Something you want to reach or an end result. It's so easy today to let our electronic devices control us and take away our freedom. Please do not misunderstand me having these gadgets are very efficient and good but we need to have a balance.
In conclusion for now I wanted to share the great feeling it provides with personal growth with time management skills on with when you eat that frog and work off your list you free your whole day up. Everything else you do is secondary at that as for as personal growth and making money goes.